Facebook, Twitter, Social Blogs, & Churches

I just read a very interesting article about teens that said more teens turn to Facebook, Twitter, and Social Blogs like Blog Catalog that they turn to churches and church support groups. The article went on to ask, are social networks a better spiritual partner that churches? Interesting question, however the answer is no.
Of course there are some great Christian networks online and a lot of Christian's that blog and contribute on Facebook, Twitter and other social blogs, however in my personal opinion online social networks will never provide the true relationships that a pastor, eldership or church congregation offers regarding spiritual matters and spiritual partners. It's just not possible and the two are like night and day.
However, I do see this as a door that has opened to share God, God's love, salvation and the Kingdom of God provided that it's done in a loving, non forceful way. That is to say, it's one thing to share faith online, but it's another thing to force feed people and create debates. Maybe that's why I love blogging so much. We just share and it's a choice, no one has to read what we share. However, and thank God, that millions do. Personally I like Facebook, Twitter, the Blog Catalog and many other great social networks. If you haven't checked them out, I encourage you to do so. You can meet a lot of great people online.

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