No Shame! Only Power by author Val Newton Knowles, is a fascinating read empowering Christians to walk victoriously in their lives. Are you tired of feeling defeated and hopeless in your Christian walk? Learn to overcome life's obstacles through this powerful teaching of living life according to God's Word and through the assistance of the Holy Spirit. The author gives great insight into the secrets of walking with God and enjoying every minute of it. We don't have to do it alone, learn that the path is already laid out, and understand that if we do our part, God will help us to overcome.
The author gives hope and encouragement as she teaches believers to understand that God never intended us to walk this life alone. He gave us the Holy Spirit as our helper and comforter. Learn how to apply biblical principles in a practical way to live life victoriously. Learn that all things are possible with God, once we tap into His infinite wisdom and power. Come and be encouraged and strengthened in the inner man, as these principals will help one to walk in power, while refreshing and renewing one's soul and mind in Christ. There is no shame, only power…
For more information about the author and her new book release, No Shame! Only Power, visit the author's website at: Val Newton Knowles. Watch for this new book release coming in April and available at the author's website and on Amazon.
A Coming Soon Christian Book Marketing book release.
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